Whether you're in finance, medicine, business, sales, a caregiver or homemaker...
we see a Hero!
Because you show up, every day, no matter what!
It's regular people like you who hold the World together and
this World needs all its Everyday Heroes!
Our job is to ensure you don't
crash and burn!
You're white knuckling the steering wheel, overwhelmed, over-tired, overwrought, but still going full out pedal to the metal.
You know you should
pull off the road
for a much needed pit stop...
but you don't.
Perhaps you think that
self-care maintenance
is self indulgent or that
you just don't have the time or energy
to do anything else, but...
There is no true glory in crashing and burning!
So what if we told you that just five minutes of self-care maintenance can turn down your daily stress and turn up Effortless Flow.
Leave behind the stressed-out worrier and free your inner Warrior of Spirit.
Just five minutes a day!
You are who we created
The Road Ahead Cafe for.
Our program, The Hero's Path, is
a weekly series of daily science-backed
5-Minute Meditation Practices
that fuel Effortless Flow
and help you shift gears from
Stressful Worrier to Warrior of Spirit.
The guided meditation practices do all the work.
All you have to do is to show up
for five minutes once a day
and watch as your Autopilot Self begins to effortlessly get more done,
get it done better,
and get it done with
less stress and more fulfillment
than ever before!
At The Cafe, we dedicate
one day of the week
to each of the Seven Practices
that psychological research shows
will fuel Effortless Flow in your daily life.
Each day's
5-Minute Meditation Practice
synergistically supports and reinforces
the effect of the other six Practices...
Remembering Your Purpose & Passion
Thinking about why your destination is so important to you, what it will allow you to do, and how it is going to make you feel can empower your Conditioned Self with motivation and resilience.
Connecting to Inner Guidance
Inner Guidance (your better informed intuition, or "Inner GPS,") can provide your Conditioned Self with your best path forward for your destination, and for leveling up challenging situations.
Centering Yourself
Centering can gather your Conditioned Self's scattered energy and concentrate it in the present moment.
Affirming Self Value
Affirming Self Value can turn up your Conditioned Self''s confidence in your self worth, release the handbrake of self criticism, and get you back on track.
Mindfulness can help your Conditioned Self better dissolve the whispers of self-criticism, and open you up to the opportunities of Serendipity.
Gratitude can reinforce in your Conditioned Self a sense of your mutually beneficial relationship with the World and kindle an expectation of more!
Loving Kindness
Loving Kindness can free your Conditioned Self from energy-wasting resentment, reinforce your Self Value, and is a practical way of expressing your gratitude by paying it forward.
Are you an Everyday Hero?
Does your life operate at Formula One speeds?
If so, we are your people - this is your Path.
Walk The Hero's Path with us,
heal your Conditioned Self,
free your inner Warrior of Spirit.
See and feel the difference in the way you engage goals and challenges in your daily life.
Because this World needs all its Everyday Heroes like you.