There is nothing more stimulating, more value fulfilling, than the desire to make a difference in this world, to leave a legacy to those who come after.
If you find yourself asking,
"Is this all there is for me now,
or can I still make a difference?"
The answer is...
Yes! You can!
Because we did!
And we're just three ordinary guys who remember how we used to dare to strive to do extraordinary things
and now choose to
To do this, you must begin with your own daily life.
Because when you "Level up the Legendary" in your own life, you begin to effortlessly make the choices that can level up the lives of every person you interact with, and, if you choose, your greater community.
And you only need three things to Level up the Legendary in your life -
The People
Rick, Peter & Frank to support and guide you
A Place
The Road Ahead Cafe
App & Monthly Zoom Roundtable
to meet and practice
A Practice
5-minutes a day with
(proven effective by neuroscience)
You don't need much Time because neuroscience research shows that as little as 5 minutes a day can make a profound difference in your life.
You don't need much Effort because research from positive psychology shows that straining works against you.
You don't need much Self-discipline because you're not the problem.
The problem is just the way your autopilot brain ("Otto") happened to get wired over the course of your life,
and Neuroplasticity shows that you can rewire Otto.
And we're walking The Path with you, so we are
your People.
Together we can Level up the Legendary in our lives, and make a difference in the lives of others.
Our practice, "The Renaissance Practice" begins with one, guided, 5-minute session, each day, that you initiate from our app.
Over the course of each week, engaging The Renaissance Practice each day, you watch as your autopilot brain ( or "Otto,") gradually rediscovers the empowering and leveling up effect of these seven innate human qualities...
With Value Fulfillment, Otto effortlessly begins to make the choices in our day that reflect what we feel is most important to us.
With Receiving Guidance, Otto effortlessly begins to realize that our best path forward (in any situation) is always available to him/her.
With Visualization, Otto effortlessly discovers that it is far easier to do those things we've been postponing when we begin visualizing them.
With Loving Kindness, Otto effortlessly discovers how being free of conscious or unconscious resentment reveals more opportunities and encourages the making of legendary choices.
With Self Affirmation, Otto effortlessly discovers how much fear of losing self-worth has determined daily choices. That awareness dissipates the power of those fears, leading him/her to make more legendary choices.
With Mindfulness, Otto effortlessly becomes more aware of the stories he/she tells. That awareness alone has a self-regulating effect, dissipating the power of stories that impede legendary choices.
With Gratitude, Otto effortlessly begins to accept that we can indeed have, once again, a life that is more legendary.
At The Road Ahead Cafe
we begin by popping in our earbuds and listening to a different 5-minute guided meditation each day of the week.
We watch as Otto effortlessly engages in one minute practices during our day.
And we support each other by sharing our stories (both our challenges and personal victories)
online at The Road Ahead Cafe app throughout the week, and
on Zoom at The Road Ahead Cafe Roundtable each month.
Walking this Path, we watch with excitement as, effortlessly, we level up the legendary in our lives and positively impact the lives of others.
So if you've been asking yourself, "Is this all there is for me now, or can I still make a difference?"
We have the Practice, the Place, and we are your People
to help you re-ignite the inner fireworks that you thought were only in your past.